
Everything to know about the festival of Hanukkah and Jewish prayer shawl

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You may claim to know all about the Hanukkah festival, the festival of lights, eating food that is fried with oil, praying to God with the special prayer shawl tallit and lighting menorahs over the eight days and nights of this Jewish holiday. But the festival of Hanukkah is much more than the delicious, fried food or the nine branched candelabrum menorahs. 

There is a whole fascinating legend behind this one of the most celebrated holidays of the year around the world. Just knowing the basic things does not make you an expert of this. There are many things, small tidbits that most of the people don’t know about this unique celebration including the menorahs, the Jewish prayer shawl.

Did you know?

The word Hanukkah is a Hebrew word which means “Re-dedication” and the word Maccabee means “Hammer”. The Jews observe this holiday because it has certain significance in their culture. It symbolizes the faith in the almighty that many humans have questioned. It just reinforces the vigor with which humans pray. It establishes the fact that yes there is someone that listens to our prayers. The Jews were under the rule of the Syrian-Greek rule during the time of the legend behind this festival. The then king was called Antiochus against whose rule there was a revolt.

The first family that started the initialization of the revolt was Maccabean and it hailed from the town Modi’in. Mattathias was the head of the family and he had five sons. They started the revolt against the king and therefore this revolt is named after them as the Maccabean revolt. King Antiochus prohibited the practice of Judaism among his people which lead to the Maccabean revolt in the first place. The Maccabean revolt was fought for three continuous years and finally King Antiochus was defeated and overpowered. The second temple that was desecrated before was resurrected again.  

Menorahs and tallits – Important part of traditions 

In the menorah we place the candles from right to left but when we lit it, we do it from left to right. We use the ninth candle that is called as Shamash to light the other eight candles. Each day one candle is lit over the eight days time and the candle should burn for at least one and a half hour. The Dreidels other name is S’vivon and the four letters that is written on it are Nes Gadol Haya Po which specifically means “A great miracle happened here”.

This is also the time when the Jews pray with full faith wearing the Jewish prayer shawl which is otherwise known as tallit. The tallit is also worn at the time of wedding. It has much importance in the Jewish traditions. 

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