
9 Amazing Facts on Tallits, best Place for buying Silk Tallit

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You might be looking to buy a silk tallit. This blog will give you the best place to find them. If you are willing to make a purchase right now, find the link embedded down below. By the way, if you are looking to add some of the amazing facts on tallits to your pool of knowledge, you are at the right place.

We are experts from Galilee Silks and we have hands on experience in hand crafting unique tallits. Apart from manufacturing, we also take interest in promoting knowledge on tallits. So let’s get started.

9 amazing facts about tallits:

I am listing them in points. Since I feel bored reading sections in the form of paragraphs, I am sure that you might also feel the same. Grab a cup of coffee or a drink and read on.

1. A tallit is a prayer shawl worn by Jews. We wear it during weekday morning services, on holidays, and on the Sabbath. During evening prayers on these days, only the prayer leader or the Cantor and the Torah reader wears it.

2.In general, the tallit is made of wool and has special knotted and twined fringes (tzitziot). It remains attached at each of its four corners.

3.People wear tallit on the basis of biblical command 15:37-41. Here God says to Moses:

Address to the children of Israel and ask them to affix tzitziot on the corners of their tallits. You may look upon them to remember the commandments of God.

4.The tzitziot are more important than the tallit itself. It is to bear the fringes i.e. the tzitziot as commanded by God in Numbers 15.

There are 2 kinds of tallit

• Tallit gadol and
• Tallit katan

The tallet gedola or gadol means a large tallit. It is worn over a person’s clothing. This tallit rests on the shoulders of the wearer.

5.In general terms a tallit is woven of wool or silk. It is white in color, with black, blue or white stripes at its ends. The silk tallit varies in sizes from 36 × 54 inches to 72 × 96 inches approx.

6.There are no specifications in religious terms for the tallit. Hence they come in a variety of sizes, materials and artistic patterns as well. It is a simple garment which displays the divinely coordained fringes. Without the tzitziot a tallit is not sacred in itself.

7.The tallit ketannah or tallit katan means a small tallit. It is worn beneath the shirt as an undergarment. To be specific, a tallit katan must not touch your body. It is generally worn between the undershirt and the outer shirt.

8.Blue is one of the most popular colors for tallit embroidery. It is because of the symbolic significance of blue in Judaism. Also in terms of biblical command for the fringes, it specifies, “Let them attach a cord of blue to each corner" (Numbers 15:38)”

9. Observant Jewish men are buried wrapped in their tallit. The atara is removed for the deceased. Also one of the fringes is cut off. This symbolizes that legal obligations are no longer required of the deceased!

So these are some of the amazing points that I think are worth adding to your pool of knowledge. So if you are willing to buy a Silk tallit, come to us. We are Galilee Silks, the best hand-made Judaica products store online. For more connect with us or post comments below.


Review on Galilee Silks. Buy Best Tallit for Wedding

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When Jewish weddings are concerned, tallits for wedding keeps significant importance. Today I will help you find the best place for buying tallits for weddings. You can take this blog as a review post as I have purchased 2 tallits myself from Galilee Silks.

Weddings are auspicious occasions and are meant for one single purpose. It’s to live a better life by living in unity. To welcome this sacred bond of life, there are many rituals and rights which people follow. So to feel complete with the right attire, let’s see the best out of the lot.

Tallits I had in my Mind

It is very common to have a certain expectation before starting off with the products hunt. Same was the case with me. But when I started, I was confused a lot. Although there are many portals claiming to sale the best tallits, it was harder for me to find the type I had in my mind.

Now when such a thing happens, you will want to select from the available products. I thought of it once. But the moment I was about to check out from a portal, I thought of giving a last try. The next day I searched some more and came across Galilee Silks.

Guys, it is one of the best stores you can find online. With lots of traditional as well as modern Jewish products, it is the best Judaica store available in the market.

4 Reasons why you should buy Tallits for Wedding from Galilee Silks

If I am a customer, so are you. I have made a point of the things that I will look for before making a purchase. As I have already experienced the perks of Galilee Silks, I am giving you 4 quick reasons that make Galilee silks the best. They are as follows.

1. Only Pure Garments

Since in Judaic terms, one has to use Tallits made from pure fabric, Galilee Silks prioritizes this fact. When you are making a purchase, you will have the option to look for the fabric used in the description section.

You will find that most, in fact all of them are made from pure fabric, either wool or silk.

2. Hand printed Tallits

In this tech savvy world, people love to keep themselves updated. So do you think that only machine made garments are premium? Get a glimpse of the best handicrafts only at Galilee Silks. It is one of the stores that rely on the expert designs by its designers. All products are hand painted ensuring maximum vibrancy and appeal.

Needless to mention, when you are purchasing a tallit for wedding, you will want it to have a unique look and Galilee Silks brings it to reality.

3. Best Price Guarantee

After hovering through a lot of Judaica Stores, according to me, Galilee silks offers their products at very competitive rates. This makes them stand out of the crowd. With hand painted products, the prices are perfect looking at the investment they have made.

Are you searching for something unique in your budget? Galilee has it ready for you. You are only a few clicks away.

4. Variety of Products

Like me, there are many of you who love to go through the range of products a website has to offer. You will be amazed to know that when I searched for tallits for wedding, I came across tallits for both men and women. They have both modern and traditional tallits and for all occasions. Amazing part, most of their tallits come with a matching bag, kippa and an atara.

So if you are willing to opt for a package at once, they have got you covered. It is better to order now than later. Connect with them now and buy the best. If you want to know more about the store, you have two options. Either you can visit them through their website at Galilee Silks, or you can pot comments in the section below.


Tallit for Wedding: 3 points that tells that marriage is worship

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 Tallit for Wedding: An Overview

A traditional wedding tallit is often used under the huppah. While the seven blessings are recited, the Sheva Brachot, the grooms wedding tallit is placed over the couple’s head. It is a beautiful ancient custom which has been retained by the German and the Sephardic Jews.

Today, this ancient custom is being retained by modern couples at the huppah. The groom’s tallit for wedding wrapped on him is a gift by the bride. As the wedding progresses, the wedding tallit is held over the couple by eligible bachelors.

The Kallah buys her Chassan his first tallit before their huppah. She gives it to him one day before the marriage day. This is a prevalent Jewish custom. The tallit symbolizes that the man is bound to her and remains debarred of all other women. It is similar to the wedding ring which symbolizes that she is bound to him and is excluded from other men.

Wedding is none less than worship

Like the way we use prayer shawls or tallits for prayer, Wedding is none less than that. To know how a marriage is similar to worship, I bring up these 3 facts of life. This will say why only the best tallit for wedding is preferred.

3 points that tells that marriage is one type of worship

“It is not good for man to be alone” – genesis. God recognized this and created the first couple Adam and Eve.

1. Marriage: Propagation ensuring Survival of Humanity

In a Jewish wedding, the union of Adam and Eve reflects as a blessing. Every marriage reflects “Be as happy as was the first human couple in the Garden of Eden.” God exists and his existence as a silent partner endows a relationship with holiness and solemn commitment in Jewish Weddings.

2. Be fruitful and multiply: Union Sanctified by God

Jewish marriages are not merely a legal partnership, but a union which God himself has sanctioned. Weddings retain union harmony. Hence, marital obligations are not only personal but it creates an impact on universal level. The commandment “p'ru ur'vu u'mil'u es ha'aretz”, says "be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth" (9:1). So live happy and love mother earth. Conquer her love and teach your children to take care of her.

3. Jewish marriage is a spiritual commitment

To bring the spiritual power in yourself you use tallits and offer your prayers. Unlike earlier days, Jewish marriages have evolved from the sense of property transaction to the sense of spirituality. Our marriage is the basis of our survival.

So when we are getting connected through holy blessings, we must make sure that we have the best tallits for ourselves. Getting connected spiritually is what a marriage means. Let’s get that vibes of consciousness wearing the best tallits.

Do you have suggestions to improve this blog? Enlighten me with your views. We will be happy to add your points in the next blog as well.

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