3 interesting facts on tallits while you are buying a Tallit for Women

There was a time when women were forbidden from wearing tallits. But today as the number of independent women rose, tallit for women are in trends. Before, tallits came only on black and white stripes. With development and today’s modern society, women’s tallits are no more limited to prayer shawls. They have taken the platform of a fashion statement itself. If you are looking to buy a tallit, we have got you covered.

We are the designers of the best tallits in the world and bring to you the 4 facts you will like to know when you are purchasing a tallit for women.

 1.The Evolution Process

Tallits were originally made for men. The movement of independent women attracted massive attention in the communities. Hence, today we find women besides men wearing tallits. Unlike the standard version of men’s tallits, women’s tallits are different. It is designed and tailored with a mixture of various designs. This increases the beauty in an attractive way. Thus we say that today tallit for women are no more limited to religious customs but are in the fashion trends as well.

2.Pure Fabric is Still Maintained

If we look at the Jewish customs, wool and silk or woven synthetic cotton is the most pure and the preferable ones to go for. In our custom, using mixed fabric for tallits is prohibited. As Jews spread across the world, we took our tallits with us. Today it is famous worldwide because of its various use and benefits. The most important fact of all is the grace of God! With the raise in demand, all we did is use a variety of designs to enhance the elegance. This made it look quite different from the men’s tallitot.

3.Handmade tallit is the Best

Modern equipments and techniques are used for making the tallit. But till date, the twinned corners or the four knots are handmade. A machine made tallit can be cheap but, it’s always better to select the handmade tallit for women. Hand crafted tallits gives you the traditional look and feel. All our tallits are handmade and is unmatchable because of its exclusive quality.

The best part about handmade talltits is its customizable option. If you want to add your own choice of colors or patterns it can be easily done by us. Before buying a women’s tallit make sure that it fills all your requirements which you desire in order to get the best product available in the market.

Our Thoughts

An eminent 20th century halachic authority, Rabbi Moshe Feinstein says that a woman who wants to wear a tallit may do so. He added that she must wear a feminine tallit only.

Considering the condemnation of feminist theories and making man and woman equal in the society of today’s modern world, let us put up this question. The one who created man and woman has made both of them equally valuable. So,

Does God see any difference for the soul of man and woman?

Comment with your answers in the section below. What do you think? We welcome all your responses.

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