Tallit For Women - A Few Facts About The Custom And Practices!

When we want to discuss about tallit for women there are certain points that are bound to come into consideration. According to Judaism, women are not obligated to wear a “Tallit”. A reason behind this can be that they are exempt from fulfilling most of the time-bound positive commandments such as reciting the Shema which is supposed to be done morning and night, or even taking the Four Kinds on the holiday of Sukkot). However, a lot of women do fulfill a lot of these mitzvot if they so desire. In current days, a lot of women are opting for wearing tallit and it is now considered as more than just a prayer shawl. In this post, I will be listing a few other facts about this discussion that are important to know. So, let’s take a closer look at the facts now, on the meaning of Tallit for Women.

 Tallit For Women - A Few Facts About The Custom And Practices!
In spite of the current trend, a lot of women do not wear tallitot. A number of these reasons for this reticence can be found in Halachic works. Let’s take a look at them.

• Both women and men are actually Biblically forbidden to wear clothing normally associated with the other gender. Like for instance, men may not wear skirts. Now, as tallit is traditionally a male garment, for a woman, wearing that will actually be considered as a violation of this statute.

• Another fact is that although women observe a number of time-bound mitzvotal though they are not obligated to do so. This is an admirable practice for which they are genuinely rewarded. But a Tallit is different since there is no obligation whatsoever to wear a tallit—even for a man. Rather, in events, the man wears a four-cornered garment and must also attach fringes to its corners. As the man is not obligated to seek out such a garment, women who are actually exempt from this practice in the first place, do not wear them at all.

• Now, a woman who fulfills this mitzvah which she is not obligated to do so and is not performed by the majority of her gender actually draws undue attention to her excessive piety in an inappropriately ostentatious manner. This was definitely a reason to ponder upon especially from the orthodox point-of-view.

• Lastly, on the mystical level, the inner workings of this mitzvah are actually male oriented and they just don't "do it" for a woman.

 Getting Trendy Tallits:

However, with time the concept of wearing Tallit for women has changed vastly and due to a lot of open-minded women in the Jewish society, a lot of women are now opting to wear them. Thanks to the on-going trend, tallit has moved beyond from just being a prayer shawl, rather it has become a fashion statement for them as well. With unique designs and exclusive quality, they have surely attained a great popularity among the women of the society. There are a lot a great Judaica stores available who can offer you the best products for the best price. So what else would you like to know about this topic? Let us know in the comments section and I will be addressing them in the upcoming posts. Till then feel free to share it and keep following this space for more related updates.

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